Ellston Road

Havertown, PA 19083


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Back to School

Back to School, Local Movers

Back to School Moving Services

How BAck to School Moving Affects a Student can Vary depending on Your Efforts

There are many variables, which dictate how back to school moving affects a student. Many families move over the course of their children’s lifetimes for a multitude of reasons. But what is the impact on the education of children when their families move?  And how does it effect them when they move out to go to college?

Research groups have investigated whether moving during adolescence has an impact on high school graduation – a critical developmental milestone for students. The findings are striking and contrary to intuition: moving, even to a better neighborhood, is associated with a lower likelihood of receiving a high school diploma.  Equally, moving in to a college dorm can be as stressful as it is exciting.

A lack of friends, being the “new kid”, bullies and seclusion can all be factors.  Furthermore, having to establish new friends and join new groups can be a daunting task for adults let alone kids.

Moving hurts

Moving to any type of neighborhood can affect the likelihood of receiving a high school diploma. Studies found that teens who experience a move are half as likely as those who do not move during their early adolescence period, to have received a high school diploma by early adulthood. They also found adolescents who experience one move have a 62% probability of completing high school, and the probability of completion for those who move more than once is 60%. Results point to the idea that moving, in and of itself, may have traumas associated with the process that exist regardless of the quality of the receiving neighborhood. The patterns and associations found in the analyses should make us all pause. The fact is that moving can be tough for kids.

What Can We Do to combat how moving affects a student?

Communication with your student aged child is essential.  Let them know you appreciate the challenges that are lying ahead for them.  Ensure your child that you are there for them.  Be a little “splurgy” and help them design their own super cool bedroom and personal space.  Meet with their teachers and advisors to proactively address any challenges.  Attend any activities in which they may participate.  And most importantly, LISTEN to your child.  Ensure them you appreciate their emotions and guide them toward success.  Affirm their awesomeness.  Ask them how they are doing.  Tell them you love them.  Be present.

College Move-In Hassles

Moving day for a new college student can be emotional, stressful, strenuous and HOT!  Let B&K move your student into their new local college home!  Click HERE to fill out the contact form and someone will get back to you within 24 hours!


At B&K Movers in Havertown, PA, we appreciate a move can be hard on everyone! We love our clients and want to ensure their move is as stress-free as possible. And we really hope your kids have a wonderful life in your new home.   Please look for more tips in our next blog! At B & K Movers, we treat your possessions as if they are Our own!  Additionally, We are insured and experienced and appreciate your business.  So if you are planning to move, please give us a call!  Visit our website for more tips and information.  And please follow / like us on FaceBook and Instagram!

Sources: “The Conversation, U.S. Department of Education

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